Well, hello there!  Welcome to Passports and Provisions, my new little space to catalog travel, recipes, and happenings in the D.C.  area.  I’m Amy, marketing/sales/events manager by day, figure skating instructor by night, living in our nation’s capital.  When I’m not working, you’ll find me in the kitchen testing out new recipes, or planning the next adventure.  Here’s a taste of what you’ll find on the blog:

Travel: I will highlight the best spots to eat & caffeinate, sights to see, and tips specific to the location.

Recipes:  Most of the food I make is gluten-free, dairy free, and nightshade free.  Some are paleo friendly.  More on that later…

Happenings in D.C. area: I’ll cover restaurants, events, and other buzz around D.C.

I hope you’ll join me on my adventures across the globe and back here at home!

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